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Monday, 6 October 2008


It was usual Friday night and I was prepared to execute my dreams on weekend. I have decided not to give up this time. When I came to bus stop, I could see less people than usual days. I called my friend to discuss about our new business plan. As I was engaged in the call, I could see same old faces gathering at the bus stop slowly. Seeing me engaged in the call, a guy approached me. “Excuse me sir, please don’t speak in the phone here...” he said. As I observed him, he was looking tired and bit worried. He wanted to convey something to me but he was finding difficulty on how to start. I just ignored him and I continued with my call. “Kannada barutha?” he continued. I thought let me listen, he might be in trouble. I nodded in reply to his question.

He said “Sir I lost my mobile here i.e where you are standing”. I thought “Oh! Its same old mobile lost story”. I guessed that he might want me to call his number. I told my friend that I will call him later and I disconnected the call. He took deep breath and started his story. “Sir I was walking here slowly i.e. where you are standing”. I thought why he is always repeating that sentence? Is he warning me or is he playing some prank to steal my mobile. I just held my mobile tight :) listening to him.

He continued, “Sir two fellows came in bike, they asked me direction to Forum and I told them that it’s in Kormangala and I also showed them the way. One of the guys on the bike was talking in the phone regarding address. The guy on the bike tried to write some address on his hand using the pen and he found that pen was not working. The guy on the bike told me to write the address and contact number in my mobile. I stored the address and contact number. The guy on the bike called that number from his mobile and he found that number is not reachable. Then he asked my mobile to confirm the number. I gave my mobile. Then suddenly they rode away with my mobile!”

I startled “What a prank they played to steal the mobile”. I asked him “You didn’t follow them?” He said, “I took other person help to follow him, but the vehicle petrol came to end near Domlur. It was dark so I couldn’t able to see bike number also!” Hmm I felt sorry about his situation. I just told him to give police compliant, so if they caught somebody while doing this prank, he MAY get his mobile back. He requested, “Sir please tell your friends also. Let them also aware of these kinds of pranks” and left the place. Many times when we lose something, we feel guilty about our carelessness than that valuable thing. OK friends I just did my job of informing U. Stay ALERT:)